Why We Write: Thoughts on Writing Back
No surprise: I write my friends often. I’d say that half or more acknowledge receipt of their snail mail. Of those, perhaps one in 20 is via return snail mail; the rest is by text or some other electronic communication.
Admittedly, I built this habit because my own mailbox was so junky and bill-y. I didn’t have much room to complain about not receiving fun mail if I didn’t send any, right?
I had to learn that sending mail was all about putting good things in other people’s mailboxes. If I get caught up in what’s coming back to mine, I’ve (a) lost the point and (b) set myself up for disappointment. Not everyone loves writing notes. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you.
The infinite circle of thanks: when we feel like writing a thank you card for a thank you card. Photo: Letter Writers Alliance
If you would like return mail, how about a pen pal? Perhaps you are lucky and can recruit a friend or family member who shares this passion. If not, go to Letter Writers Alliance, PenPal World and Global Pen Friends to request a match. Some have email options, too. (We don’t judge.)
Incoming is lovely, but outgoing is best. We hope you enjoy making someone’s day.