Making a List

A couple of questions for you:

  1. Do you like lists?

  2. Do you know the many benefits of making lists?

Year-end is a primo opportunity for list making. Many folks have extra things to do, so a list can help:

  1. Give structure and organization to tasks

  2. Evaluate and prioritize the options

  3. Get stuff out of your head

  4. Reduce anxiety and stress

  5. Curb temptation to avoid the stuff you don’t want to do

My year-end to-do list looks like this:

  1. Grade final papers and projects (did you know that I teach, too?)

  2. Organize my home office

  3. Select prezzies for my family, shopping small first

  4. Write a thank you note each day

  5. Develop my plans for Sugar & Kiki in 2021

Lists are as great for looking back as they are for looking forward. From Time’s Must-Read Books of 2020 to Popsugar’s pics of Beyonce’s 2019 best looks (we’re anxiously awaiting the post of her top sweatpants of 2020), presenting information in an ordered list allows the writer and the reader to:

  1. Understand what’s important and valuable

  2. Feel a sense of accomplishment

  3. Provide specificity, when details might otherwise go unnoticed

  4. Stay or get grounded, or rooted in a purpose

Forgo complete sentences during a hectic time and jot a list on your next postcard or two. A few ideas:

  1. What were your favorite songs this year?

  2. What new things did you try?

  3. What moments or events gave you hope?

  4. What are your new routines?

  5. What benefits have you experienced from slowing down?

  6. What are the most important things you learned?

  7. What are your favorite outdoor places?

  8. What do you want more of? Less of?

  9. What words do you associate with this year?

  10. What pandemic-inspired transitions will you carry forward, post-pandemic?

  11. What people or things made your life better?

  12. What are your hopes for next year?

Merry listing to all, and to all a good write. (Sorry. Had to.)

Check it twice.

If you have names left on your holiday shopping list, might we suggest a postcard subscription?

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