Small Business Saturday 2020

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

That’s right: it’s time to remember that small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. Small Business Saturday is around the corner!

Golden Retrievers Shop Small

We love small business. Like, really really love. We draw doodles about it in our notebooks. If small business had a poster in Tiger Beat, we’d hang it on the back of our bedroom door.

Does this mean we never buy anything from one of the big guys? Nope. It means we go SMALL FIRST.

Small first means that whenever we need (or want) something, we go to a small business first. If we can’t find the right thing for the right price, we expand the search. When we say “right price,” we don’t mean “cheapest.” We pay more for quality and service. We pay more for good people to do good jobs and put that money back into their good communities. We don’t equate “big” with “bad.” We just think small is better.

This Small Business Saturday, we’re spreading the small business love.

Shop with this small business, and you can earn a gift card to another small business.

  • With a $95+ Sugar & Kiki purchase, get a $10 gift card

  • With a $175+ purchase, get a $25 gift card

  • With a $350+ purchase, get a $50 gift card

  • And get an additional $25 for every $175 you spend. No limit here. Knock yourself out.

You get to pick which small business’s gift card you receive. We have a few suggestions for you. If you want one from your neighborhood store, great. Want to get takeout from the really nice place but can’t bring yourself to pay full price? Get your gift card there. Wherever they are, we will find them, and we will give them our money, so that you can get toothpaste, a fancy-ass dinner, or whatever else your sweet heart desires.

A couple of parameters:

  • If you want to nerd out about what qualifies as “small business,” the SBA has rabbit holes galore. Common sense will serve you well, and if you’re not sure, just ask.

  • We will not get you a gift card to the Jungle Company.* Yes, we know that small retailers use it as a platform. Those small retailers likely have another option for you to order from them.

Thank you for shopping small. Thank you for being smart, thoughtful, conscientious consumers. You really are the best.

Shop Small 2020 Banner.png
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from $10.00

*YOU KNOW THE ONE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT. It’s the one that is in no financial danger, while 62% of small businesses are on the verge of extinction if we don’t direct more dollars their way soon. You are welcome to support the Jungle Company otherwise, and we will still love you.